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“It all boils down to one quotable phrase…

September 24, 2009

I’m not quite sure how I got roped into this blog. I will pretty much blame Ryan. For any of you who have ever met me, this is a pretty common occurrence (I often blame my friends for events that are either clearly not anyones fault or my fault) So in the spirit of “blogging”, I will just use this to endorse all the books/movies/products that I think are amazing and/or I know will irritate Ryan. (Also a consistent theme)

I think it makes sense to at least explain the basic theory behind our writing. Let us start with Urban Dictionaries definition.

Skylarking – Tomfooleries, Shennanigans, Kooky Mishaps, Humorous Antics, or any kind of act that is packed full of mischeivious content.

Merriam-Webster has it as –

1: to run up and down the rigging of a ship in sport

2: Frolic, Sport

However, I learned the word from Kurt Vonnegut in his address to a college graduating class.

Do not take the entire world on your shoulders. Do a certain amount of skylarking, as befits people of your age. “Skylarking,” incidentally, used to be a minor offense under Navel Regulations. What a charming crime. It means intolerable lack of seriousness. I would love to have a dishonorable discharge from the United States Navy–for skylarking not just once, but again and again and again.

Ryan and I are skylarkers. When we are together, our combined age might reach 8, maybe 9. In this spirit of recapturing our inner child (can’t recapture our youth…we still are youth) we will write, complain, cajole, argue and accomplish no goals, minor or major (we are after all, postmodern children, ambition is our poison)

But maybe in the huge mess we create, as we dig sloppily to bury our treasure, as we steal cardboard boxes to create time machines, we will discover hidden gems. Or not, but at least we will have fun.

"Intolerable lack of seriousness"

"Intolerable lack of seriousness"

…if you love something, give it away” –Bright Eyes

4 Comments leave one →
  1. September 25, 2009 4:24 pm

    I feel like Man Vs Wild will be a consistent theme on this blog as well. Go Bear!

  2. samuraipoet permalink
    October 15, 2009 3:35 am

    I’ve just come to the realization that I know both of you guys. Cam and Ryan – it’s been a long time! How’s it going?

    Well written, by the way, Cam.

    • October 16, 2009 3:12 am

      Haha, just now realized? I’m doing well, other than struggling to cut a path through the jungle that is post-grad life. It has been too long, how are you doing yourself? Where and what are you up to?

  3. October 23, 2009 5:17 am

    Oh man – found, bookmarked, and posted. You guys need to write on this more.

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